SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Halpin (D-Rock Island) released the following statement in response to the governor’s budget address Wednesday:
“Illinois is moving ahead with a balanced budget, but we need to remain vigilant. Fiscal responsibility must be emphasized, and we must make clear that the Rock Island region’s needs are as important as any other part of Illinois.”
“This budget year I will fight to protect and enhance higher education funding. We must also create incentives for affordable middle class housing in order to ease the financial burden on Illinois families. Protecting pensions remains a top priority of mine and I will also continue to support additional funding for K-12 schools.”
“I am encouraged by proposed funding increases to MAP Grants, money for our pension obligation, and shoring up the state’s rainy day fund.”
“With uncertainty and funding cuts coming from the federal government, Illinois cannot cut corners on essential programs for our most vulnerable. We must ensure Illinois remains a pillar of stability to its residents.”