SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Halpin’s measure to create specialty Air Force license plates was signed into law on Friday.
“We’re bringing parity to Air Force veterans, as these specialty plates exist for everyone else,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “This is a small way to show our gratitude for those who protect our country.”
Currently, the Air Force is the only branch of the military that does not have a license plate for combat veterans. The Illinois Secretary of State is authorized to issue Combat Action Ribbon license plates to members of the Navy, Coast Guard and Marine Corps, and Combat Action Badge license plates to special groups within the Army.
ROCK ISLAND – State Senator Mike Halpin and State Representative Gregg Johnson announced East Moline, Rock Island and Moline are being designated to a special economic zone that will allow them to apply for redevelopment funding.
“This is another way to spur economic investment on the Illinois side of the Quad Cities,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “A strong local economy doesn’t just rely on new developments, it requires us to redevelop older properties that already exist by transforming them into a benefit for the community.”
The move will add East Moline, Moline and Rock Island to the list of river towns included in the River Edge Redevelopment Zone Program, enabling developers of local projects to take advantage of additional incentives including sales tax exemptions, income tax deductions, a new construction jobs tax credit and the Illinois Historic Preservation Tax Credit. The program is designed to invite economic development through the redevelopment of older properties in river towns.
ROCK ISLAND – State Senator Mike Halpin is hosting a Summer Book Club program to encourage students to read and continue their studies during the summer break.
“This gives students the opportunity to have fun while continuing to read this summer,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “The goal is to keep kids engaged this summer and reward them with a prize for doing so. It’s a great opportunity for families with children.”
The Summer Book Club requires students to read eight books of their choice during the summer break, record the names of the books on a form, and return the form to Halpin’s office by Aug. 16. Every child who completes the Summer Book Club will receive a gift card and a certificate from Senator Halpin.
Summer Book Club forms are available to download at SenatorHalpin.com/SBC. Halpin urges residents with questions to call his Rock Island office at (309) 558-3612 or Galesburg office at (309) 297-4483.
ROCK ISLAND – State Senator Mike Halpin highlighted a major funding victory for Illinois colleges on the work they do to recruit veterans.
“The state has done the right thing by requiring our universities to accept Illinois veterans, but for too long we have failed to provide the funding for this program,” said Halpin (D-Rock Island). “Addressing this unfunded mandate will allow our universities to continue to recruit veterans and begin to repay the debt we owe them for their service.”
Halpin successfully secured $6 million for the Illinois Veteran Grant Program (IVG) and Illinois Nation Guard Grant Program (ING) at Illinois colleges and universities. The funding was allocated in the Fiscal Year 2025 budget, which was signed into law on Wednesday.
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